
Поддержка Wiki прекращена, она доступна в режиме архива. Информация в ней устарела и может быть неактуальной.


Материал из Hilarious Wiki
Перейти к: навигация, поиск

Замечание. Возможно, после сохранения вам придётся очистить кэш своего браузера, чтобы увидеть изменения.

  • Firefox / Safari: Удерживая клавишу Shift, нажмите на панели инструментов Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl-F5 или Ctrl-R (⌘-R на Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Нажмите Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R на Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: Удерживая Ctrl, нажмите Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Выберите очистку кэша в меню Инструменты → Настройки
( function() {
'use strict';

 * Instead of cluttering up the global scope with
 * variables, they should instead be set as a
 * property of this global variable
 * E.g: Instead of
 *   myVar = 'blah';
 * use
 *   mcw.myVar = 'blah';
var mcw = window.mcw = {};

/* Variables for interface text used throughout the script, for ease of translating */
mcw.i18n = {
	// Collapsible tables and page loader
	hideText: 'скрыть',
	showText: 'показать',
	// Page loader
	loadErrorTitle: 'Возникла ошибка при загрузке содержимого',
	// File upload
	//defaultLicense: 'Лицензия'

/* Keep track of delegated events on dynamic content */
mcw.events = {};

/* Add extra buttons to the classic toolbar */
importScript( 'MediaWiki:Toolbar.js' );

if (wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') {
importScript( 'MediaWiki:AddSumButton.js' );

/* Fired whenever wiki content is added. (#mw-content-text, live preview, load page, etc.) */
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function( $content ) {

 * Element animator
 * Will cycle the active class on any child elements
 * within an element with the animated class.
( function() {
	if ( !mcw.animate ) {
		mcw.animate = setInterval( function() {
			$( '.animated' ).each( function() {
				var $elem = $( this );
				var $current = $elem.children( '.active' );
				var $next = $current.nextAll( ':not(.skip):first' );
				// Loop back to the start
				if ( !$next.length ) {
					$next = $elem.children( ':not(.skip):first' );
				$current.removeClass( 'active' );
				$next.addClass( 'active' );
			} );
		}, 2000 );
}() );

 * Page loader
 * Allows a page to be downloaded and displayed on demand.
 * Use with [[Template:LoadPage]] and [[Template:LoadBox]]
( function() {
	var $loadPage = $content.find( '.load-page' );
	if ( !$loadPage.length ) {
	// We need the spinner to show loading is happening, but we don't want
	// to have a delay while the module downloads, so we'll load this now,
	// regardless of if something is clicked
	mw.loader.load( 'jquery.spinner' );
	var $buttonText = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'mw-editsection-like load-page-button' )
		.append( '[', $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'jslink' ).text( mcw.i18n.hideText ), ']' );
	$loadPage.find( '.mw-headline:first' ).each( function() {
		var $body = $( this ).closest( '.load-page' ),
			$button = $buttonText.clone(),
			firstWidth, secondWidth;
		// Add the button
		$button.insertAfter( this );
		// Move the edit button to the right spot
		$body.find( '.mw-editsection' ).insertAfter( $button );
		// Find max button width, and set its min-width to it
		firstWidth = $button.width();
		$button.children( '.jslink' ).text( mcw.i18n.showText );
		secondWidth = $button.width();
		if ( firstWidth !== secondWidth ) {
			if ( firstWidth > secondWidth ) {
				$button.css( 'min-width', firstWidth );
			} else {
				$button.css( 'min-width', secondWidth );
	} );
	if ( mcw.events.loadPage ) {
	$( '#mw-content-text' ).on( 'click', '.load-page-button > .jslink', function() {
		var $button = $( this ).parent(),
			$body = $button.closest( '.load-page' ),
			$contentContainer = $body.find( '.load-page-content' );
		if ( !$body.data( 'loaded' ) ) {
			var oldButton = $button.html();
			// Just in-case the spinner module is still not ready yet
			mw.loader.using( 'jquery.spinner', function() {
				$button.html( $.createSpinner() );
			} );
			new mw.Api().get( {
				action: 'parse',
				prop: 'text',
				title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
				text: '{' + '{:' + $body.data( 'page' ) + '}}'
			} ).done( function( data ) {
				$contentContainer.html( data.parse.text['*'] ).removeClass( 'noscript' );
				// Fire content hook on the new content, running all this stuff again and more :)
				mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $contentContainer );
				$button.html( oldButton ).children( '.jslink' ).text( mcw.i18n.hideText );
				$body.data( 'loaded', true );
			} ).fail( function( _, error ) {
				$button.html( oldButton );
				var errorText = '';
				if ( error.textStatus ) {
					errorText = error.textStatus;
				} else if ( error.error ) {
					errorText = error.error.info;
				mw.notify( errorText, { title: mcw.i18n.loadErrorTitle, autoHide: false } );
			} );
		} else if ( $( this ).text() === mcw.i18n.showText ) {
			$( this ).text( mcw.i18n.hideText );
		} else {
			$( this ).text( mcw.i18n.showText );
	} );
	mcw.events.loadPage = true;
}() );

} );
/* End wiki content hook */

/* Fires when DOM is ready */
$( function() {

 * Fix edit summary prompt for undo
 * Fixes the fact that the undo function combined with the "no edit summary prompter"
 * causes problems if leaving the edit summary unchanged.
 * Added by [[wikipedia:User:Deskana]], code by [[wikipedia:User:Tra]].
 * See https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8912
if ( document.location.search.indexOf( "undo=" ) !== -1 && document.getElementsByName( 'wpAutoSummary' )[0] ) {
	document.getElementsByName( 'wpAutoSummary' )[0].value='1';

 * Pause grid GUI templates (e.g. [[Template:Grid/Crafting Table]]) on mouseover
 * This is so people have a chance to look at each image on the cell
 * and click on pages they want to view.
$( '#mw-content-text' ).on( {
	'mouseenter': function() { 
		$( this ).find( '.animated' ).removeClass( 'animated' ).addClass( 'paused' );
	'mouseleave': function() {
		$( this ).find( '.paused' ).removeClass( 'paused' ).addClass( 'animated' );
}, '.grid-generic, .grid-Crafting_Table, .grid-Furnace, .grid-Brewing_Stand' );

 * Make simple search suggestions box separately styled
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.searchSuggest', function() {
	$( '.suggestions:first' ).addClass( 'searchbar' );
} );

 * Set unlicensed as the default license on file pages
 * That way the file will be categorised so someone can find a license for the file
/*if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) === 'Upload' ) {
	if ( $( '#wpLicense' ).val() === '' ) {
		$( '#wpLicense' ).val( mcw.i18n.defaultLicense );
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.legacy.upload', function() {
		var change = setInterval( function() {
			if ( licenseSelectorCheck ) {
				$( '#wpLicense' ).change();
				clearInterval( change );
		}, 500 );
	} );

 * Creates minecraft style tooltips
 * Replaces normal tooltips. Supports minecraft [[formatting codes]] (except k), and a description with line breaks (/).
( function() {
	var escapeChars = { '\\&': '&#38;', '<': '&#60;', '>': '&#62;' };
	var escape = function( text ) {
		// "\" must be escaped first
		return text.replace( /\\\\/g, '&#92;' )
			.replace( /\\&|[<>]/g, function( char ) { return escapeChars[char]; } );
	var $tooltip = $();
	var $win = $( window ), winWidth, winHeight, width, height;
	$( '#mw-content-text' ).on( {
		'mouseenter.minetip': function( e ) {
			var $elem = $( this ), title = $elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title' );
			if ( title === undefined ) {
				title = $elem.attr( 'title' );
				if ( title !== undefined ) {
					title = $.trim( title.replace( /&/g, '\\&' ) );
					$elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title', title );
			// No title or title only contains formatting codes
			if ( title === undefined || title !== '' && title.replace( /&([0-9a-fl-or])/g, '' ) === '' ) {
				// Find deepest child title
				var childElem = $elem[0], childTitle;
				do {
					if ( childElem.hasAttribute( 'title' ) ) {
						childTitle = childElem.title;
					childElem = childElem.firstChild;
				} while( childElem && childElem.nodeType === 1 );
				if ( childTitle === undefined ) {
				// Append child title as title may contain formatting codes
				if ( !title ) {
					title = '';
				title += $.trim( childTitle.replace( /&/g, '\\&' ) );
				// Set the retrieved title as data for future use
				$elem.attr( 'data-minetip-title', title );
			if ( !$elem.data( 'minetip-ready' ) ) {
				// Remove title attributes so the native tooltip doesn't get in the way
				$elem.find( '[title]' ).addBack().removeAttr( 'title' );
				$elem.data( 'minetip-ready', true );
			if ( title === '' ) {
			var content = '<span class="minetip-title">' + escape( title ) + '&r</span>';
			var description = $.trim( $elem.attr( 'data-minetip-text' ) );
			if ( description ) {
				// Apply normal escaping plus "/"
				description = escape( description ).replace( /\\\//g, '&#47;' );
				content += '<span class="minetip-description">' + description.replace( /\//g, '<br>' ) + '&r</span>';
			// Add classes for minecraft formatting codes
			while ( content.search( /&[0-9a-fl-o]/ ) > -1 ) {
				content = content.replace( /&([0-9a-fl-o])(.*?)(&r|$)/g, '<span class="format-$1">$2</span>&r' );
			// Remove reset formatting
			content = content.replace( /&r/g, '' );
			$tooltip = $( '<div id="minetip-tooltip">' );
			$tooltip.html( content ).appendTo( 'body' );
			// Cache current window and tooltip size
			winWidth = $win.width();
			winHeight = $win.height();
			width = $tooltip.outerWidth( true );
			height = $tooltip.outerHeight( true );
			// Trigger a mouse movement to position the tooltip
			$elem.trigger( 'mousemove', e );
		'mousemove.minetip': function( e, trigger ) {
			if ( !$tooltip.length ) {
				$( this ).trigger( 'mouseenter' );
			// Get event data from remote trigger
			e = trigger || e;
			// Get mouse position and add default offsets
			var top = e.clientY - 34;
			var left = e.clientX + 14;
			// If going off the right of the screen, go to the left of the cursor
			if ( left + width > winWidth ) {
				left -= width + 36;
			// If now going off to the left of the screen, resort to going above the cursor
			if ( left < 0 ) {
				left = 0;
				top -= height - 22;
				// Go below the cursor if too high
				if ( top < 0 ) {
					top += height + 47;
			// Don't go off the top of the screen
			} else if ( top < 0 ) {
				top = 0;
			// Don't go off the bottom of the screen
			} else if ( top + height > winHeight ) {
				top = winHeight - height;
			// Apply the positions
			$tooltip.css( { top: top, left: left } );
		'mouseleave.minetip': function() {
			if ( !$tooltip.length ) {
			$tooltip = $();
	}, '.minetip, .grid > .item, .invslot-item' );
}() );

} );
/* End DOM ready */

}() );