

2963 байта добавлено, 16:55, 19 августа 2016
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/* Добавляет кнопку "Вверх" слева */
//A script that adds a "Back To Top" button in the footer of the Oasis theme.//I don't like scrolling back to top on long pages neither do you :)//Created by Noemon from Dead Space Wiki ( function(window, $, mw) { var body = document.getElementsByTagName('bodyuse strict')document.body.innerHTML +var translations ={ ar: 'عد إلى أعلى', af: 'Terug na bo', be: 'Наверх', bg: 'Върнете се в началото', bs: 'Vratite se na vrh', ca: 'Torna a dalt', de: 'Zurück nach oben', el: 'Επιστροφή στην κορυφή', en: 'Back to top', eo: 'Revenu supren', es: 'Volver arriba', eu: 'Gora itzuli', fr: 'Retournez en haut', gl: 'Volver arriba', hr: 'Vratite se na vrh', it: 'Torna all\'inizio', la: 'Ad supra tornare', ja: 'ページ先頭へ戻る', ko: '맨 위로', mk: 'Вратете се во почетокот', mo: 'Ынтоарчере ла ынчепут', ms: '<div id="BackToTop" class="noprint" style="backgroundKembali ke atas', nl: 'Terug naar boven', oc: 'Tornatz amunt', pl: 'Wróć do góry', pt: 'Voltar ao topo', 'pt-colorbr': 'Voltar ao topo', ro:#DDEFDD; position 'Întoarcere la început', ru:fixed; 'Наверх', bottom sco:32px; left 'Back tae tap', sl:2%; z-index 'Vrnete se na vrh', sr:9999; padding 'Вратите се на врх', tl:0; margin 'Ibalik sa Itaas', uk:0;"><span style="color 'Нагору', val:blue; 'Tornar amunt', font-size zh:8pt; font '回到页首', 'zh-facehans':verdana '回到页首',sans 'zh-serif; hant': border'回到頁首' }, buttonStart = typeof window.BackToTopStart === 'number' ? window.BackToTopStart :0 800, scrollSpeed = typeof window.2em outset #ceebf7;BackToTopSpeed === 'number' ? padding window.BackToTopSpeed :0 600, fadeSwitch = typeof window.BackToTopFade === 'number' ? window.1em; font-weightBackToTopFade :bolder; -moz-border-radius:8px; "> 600,  theText = (typeof window.BackToTopText === 'string' && window.BackToTopText) || translations[[#topmw.config.get('wgContentLanguage')] || Back to the Top ]]</span></div>'translations.en; /*$ if (documentwindow.BackToTopLoaded){ return }  window.readyBackToTopLoaded = true;  $(addBackToTop);  functionhideFade() { $("#backtotop").scroll-top"hide();  $(window).eachscroll(function() { var t, e; return if (t = $(this)).hidescrollTop().removeClass> buttonStart) { switch ("hide-scroll-top"fadeSwitch),{ e = case 0,: $(window'#backtotop').scroll(functionshow() {; break; default: return t[ $(this'#backtotop').scrollTop() > 0 ? "fadeIn" : "fadeOut"](300); break; } }else { switch (fadeSwitch),{ case 0: t.find $(".scroll-top-img"'#backtotop').click(functionhide() {; var t break; return t = default: $(window'#backtotop'), t.scrollTopfadeOut() > 0 && ; break; } } }); }  $(e = t'#backtotop').scrollTopclick(function(),{ $("'body,html"').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400scrollSpeed); return false; });  function addBackToTop() { if (skin == 'oasis'){ $('<li />',{ !1 id: 'backtotop', style: 'position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 1px; border-right: none' }) .append( $('<button />', { type: 'button', style: 'height: 20px;', text: theText }) ) .appendTo('#WikiaBarWrapper .toolbar > .tools'); } hideFade();*/ } }} (this, jQuery, mediaWiki)();